
Enerpol is an integrated, high resolution, system-wide, electricity and gas networks model. The geographic coverage of EnerPol includes most of Europe, substantial portions of USA and Canada, and parts of Africa and Asia.

For central Europe, the modeled transmission grid has 1900 individual transmission lines (220, 380 and 400 kV) with a total length of 70000 km; 3000 individual conventional and renewable power plants are geo-referenced in EnerPol's framework. The European gas network model is comprised of 76000 km of pipelines, as well as all compressors, gas storages, and LNG stations.

European transmission lines and gas network

For the electricity and gas markets, hourly chronological simulations are undertaken. In the electricity market model, generation, transmission and demand are modeled at the level of substations with dispatch that is optimized on the basis of physical constraints and economic considerations. In the gas market model, fixed contract or available gas supply is modeled, all flows in pipelines, at nodes & in storage are physically simulated, and the gas demand distributed either to the coupled electricity generation or to other end-users. This holistic, comprehensive framework allows for the data-driven analysis of a broad range of scenarios related to power & energy mixes, market performance, investments, and impact of policy.

Model inputs

  • Locations and characteristics of power plants and transmission grid (ENTSO-E and TSOs)
  • Locations and characteristics of gas network (from ENTSO-G and GSOs)
  • Weather data (from mesoscale simulation model)
  • Electricity prices (from EEX)

Model outputs

  • Hourly generation and cost of production for part-load and full-load conditions of conventional power plants
  • Available hourly generation for each renewable power plant
  • Power plant performance (IRR, NPV, bids, cash flows, taxes, etc.)
  • Hourly spatial distribution of power demand
  • Hourly transmission line temperatures and dynamic line ampacity


  • Eser, P., A. Singh, N. Chokani, and R.S. Abhari, "High Resolution Simulations of Increased Renewable Penetration on Central European Transmission Grid", IEEE Power Energy and Society General Meeting, 2015.
  • Singh, A., P. Eser, N. Chokani, and R.S. Abhari, "Improved Modelling of Demand and Generation in High Resolution Simulations of Interconnected Power Systems", 12th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 2015.

Data sources

  • EEX (European Energy Exchange). Electricity prices
  • ENTSO-E, a. Location and characteristics power plants.
  • ENTSO-E, b. Transmission grid
  • ENTSO-G. Locations and characteristics of gas network
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