Data Description
European electricity consumptionHourly load curves and montly electricity consumption

European electricity market: yearly Statistics & Adequacy Retrospect (2013)Statistics of Europe's electricity market including production, consumption, cross-border exchanges and network components

European electricity productionMonthly electricity production from different sources

European net transfer capacityCross-border electricity transmission capacities in summer and winter

OECD Patent DatabaseData on patent applications by region, main technology and international patent classification (IPC). It covers applications to the European Patent Office (EPO), the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), patent applications filed under the Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT) that designate the EPO, as well as Triadic patent families

Social accounting matrices (SAM)Social accounting matrices represent transactions between production activities, factors of production, and institutions. SAM are used to calibrate general equilibrium models

Swiss electricity statisticsElectricity production, trading and consumption in Switzerland

Swiss Energy Input Output Table (IOT)Swiss input-output table with disaggregated energy sectors

Swiss Energy StatisticsEnergy statistics including: energy production and consumption, power flows, imports and exports, prices

Swiss hydropower plants: statisticsStatistics of the Swiss hydropower plants including (among others): location, on-line date, status, function, installed power, max. available power, average production, generation capacity, energy consumption

Swiss tranmission grid'Energiewende: Uebertragungsnetz mit Schluesselrolle'

World Electric Power Plants DatabaseGlobal inventory of electric power generation plants: geographic location, capacity, age, technology, fuel, manufacturers

Worldwide Patent Statistical Database (PATSTAT)Worldwide patent data including bibliographic data, citations and family links

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